I want to give a special thanks to the folks from New London CrossFit who were very supportive throughout the event. Most importantly, I want to thank Matty Wood, Tom Ohara, John Chiangi, and Joe Crozier for making the trip up to support me. I'm used to going to these things as kind of a lone wolf and zoning out into my own little world. However, I will say there is nothing like hearing the voices of some of your boys from back home chanting you on. Even when the odds were against me (like in the 275# 2 min AMRAP Deadlift), their voices carried me through.
Here is some footage of WOD #5 kindly filmed by Matt Wood and posted on youtube. The WOD was 21-15-9 of calorie row, overhead squat 95#, and burpees... I finished in 7 min 31 sec.
Other WOD's were:
WOD 1: Run 5k (19:42)
WOD 2: 6 min to establish 1 rep max clean and jerk (235#)
WOD 3: AMRAP in 2 min. Deadlift with 275# (27 reps)
WOD 4: 10 min to establish 1 rep max turkish getup (130#)

1 Rep Max Clean and Jerk (235#)
Thanks again guys for all of the texts, phone calls, and support throughout the weekend. Looking forward to seeing all of you on Tuesday.
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