Chris will be in on Sunday to devistate everyone. Nick Silvia, Tristan, Harry, Jimmy Connelly, and I will be heading up to the Warrior Dash to set a course record in the Warrior Dash. This should be a cake walk after doing Tough Mudder and Ruckus. Speaking of Tough Mudder, please let me know if you're interested in doing it with out VA Team. The date is Sunday October 23rd and spot fill up fast. This should be a blast.
And onto the WODerbation!
Complete 8 rounds of 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds of rest of each of the following
1 Farmer Carry around the building with max load... only do this once at the end.
Complete 8 rounds of each before moving onto the next one and take 1 minute rest between exercises.
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Our box has been registered for the 9/11 Throwdown which will be raising money for the Disposable Heroes Project... If you'd like to make a donation, stop by the box or click the link below to make a donation via Paypal
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