For those of you virgin to the CrossFit world, Fran is
21-15-9 of:
Thruster 95#
For Time
Probably one of the top 10 worst CrossFit WOD's and definitely the worst of which that attacks the short term metabolic cycle.
In doing so, each of us that performed it set PR's. Chris cut his time in half posting an unbelievable 3:18 considering the fact that he has a 1395 CrossFit Total and now weighs about 210#. Jordan Panucci also cut his time in half posting a 3:29. Today, he also ripped 349 in the Fight Gone Bad. Feeling pressured by these 2 to perform, I decided to tear this up in the company of John Chiangi and Little Nick. I was able to drop 1:10 off my personal record down to a 2:27. Never been so pumped in my life.
With that, I want to make note of a few things.
#1) I just came off of a shoulder injury, and despite the anguish, was able to allow the time necessary for the injury to heal by avoiding exercises that targeted the area in high weight and intensity, doing light stretching, eating well, and doing ice and heat therapy.
#2) Heat and humidity is undoubtedly intimidating. Nevertheless, it is an awesome opportunity for the serious CrossFitter to train their body to deal with such oppressive conditions. If you hydrate and eat well, listen to your body, and recover properly, there is no reason why a heat induced incident should occur. Pace yourselves and you'll be fine.
#3) This is what quantitative fitness is all about. CrossFit is the only form of fitness programming that allows comparable results over time. These results may manifest themselves in weight, the ability to move from scaled to RX'd, or in the ability to perform the same amount of work in a shorter time. This is why we do this!
Great job to everyone over the last few days! A special shout goes out to Tony Walstra, Crystal Bednarz, Jason Combs, Dusty Fingers, and all the other members who tackled some very difficult hurdles over the last week with a few goats. Outstanding job and I'm proud of each and everyone of you!
See you in the box...

Fitch Football gettin it done!

The aftermath of my 2:27 Fran time... Shit.
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